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čt 25. 1.



Next War: Reimagining How We Fight

Col John Antal, self styled “soldier for life”, unpacks what technological and tactical problems face Western Militaries on the battlefields of the near future.

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Next War: Reimagining How We Fight
Next War: Reimagining How We Fight

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25. 1. 2024 19:00 – 20:30 EST



O události

Col John Antal, self styled “soldier for life”, unpacks what technological and tactical problems face Western Militaries on the battlefields of the near future. Antal uses three recent wars to identify the nine battlefield disruptors that are stark in peril and as yet, largely un-counterable by western militaries writ large.

What is in it for me? 

1. What do the 2021 Israeli War, Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine wars tell us about modern weapons and tactics?

2. Why is the West failing to grasp the change in the modern battlefield?

3. What can be done to close the perception-reality gap?


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