Ever since the inception of Fight Club in March 2020, members of the UK Armed Forces (and UK Citizens) have made significant contributions to Fight Club’s establishment and continuation. UK Fight Club is the UK's Regional FC Chapter, enabling activities and projects in the United Kingdom.
We are primarily here to support the efforts of UK-based Fight Club members, although all FC members are free to join and collaborate from anywhere in the world!

The aim of UK Fight Club is to support our wargaming & simulation activities with a specific connection to the UK, its Armed Forces, and its defense sector.
For example:
Direct collaboration with British Armed Forces
Projects benefitting the wider UK defence infrastructure
In-person events such as gaming, meet-ups, and conference support

The UKFC Discord Server
Like Fight Club International, we run a dedicated Discord Server as our primary communication, and collaboration resource. This is the home of our online events, seminars, presentations, and social activities.
New Fight Club members may request access to the UK Server once they are set-up on the main Fight Club International Discord. Simply drop a message in the “Start Here” channel, or message an administrator.
To find out more about how we use Discord, click here.

Feature Event:
Play Combat Mission: Black Sea with UKFC
Fight Club runs a weekly gaming event using Combat Mission: Black Sea. Members are free to sign-up and participate in arranging, planning, playing, and evaluating games via LAN or ‘Play-By-Email’ (‘PBEM’).
We call this event ‘Black Sea Sunday’, and it is designed to provide a relaxed, open, and fun environment for players to learn and develop their skills in areas such as planning (OPORDS, COA’s, SoM’s, etc.), execution, and evaluation (via group AAR presentation sessions).
We also use the event as a ‘sandbox’ environment to instruct on specific concepts and methods. ‘CM:BSS’ is also intended to provide an introductory experience for any members wishing to use the professional version of Combat Mission, which shares many aspects with CM: Black Sea.

There at the Start...
Fight Club began life as a voluntary, ground-up initiative within the ranks of the British Army, initially exploring military applications for commercial simulation games. This soon gained traction, and within a year the founding Fight Club volunteers were collaborating with the US Army, the US Marine Corps, and even DSTL, the UK's defence research organisation.
First Briefing to the Chief of the General Staff
By June, 2020, UK Fight Club was already advocating for the expansion and development of wargaming at the highest levels of the British Army.
Today, both UK Fight Club, and parent organisation Fight Club International, are stronger than ever, and continue to work across the ranks and throughout the defence sector to further the cause of wargaming and simulation usage and development.

"There is, of course, still significant utility and value in traditional manual or ‘analog’ methods of wargaming and analytical modelling, and UKFC continues to seek greater adoption of all forms of wargaming tools."